Armata T-14 main Russian battle tanks from a previous Victory Day parade in MoscowIn days of the Soviet Union, when religions were frowned
upon at best and suppressed at worst, Victory Day was one of the most important
of secular holidays in Moscow. All Americans of a certain age can remember the
military parades past the Kremlin, sometimes with notables like Fidel Castro on
the reviewing stand. Miles of tanks, missile transporters, goose-stepping
soldiers and the traditional flyover all were yearly features of the day that
commemorated the victory of the Rodina, the homeland, over the forces of Nazi
Germany. Stalin was smart about characterizing the battle not in terms of
ideology, but of a battle for the (holy) soil of Russian and the rest of the
Soviet Union against the invading Hitlerites, as he called them. And if you
look at the faces of the soldiers in Moscow that day, you see a wide, wide
variety of racial types: Slavs, Asians from the republics…Ukrainians, of
course. Which is why the nature of this year's parade is so ironic: Putin has
cast this struggle as one between modern day Nazis in the Ukraine (including
the Jewish Zelenskyy) and the liberators of the people, which I can promise
they are not seen as.
It will be an important day. Many military observers have
characterized today as a seminal day in the future progress of the war; some
believe that Putin will actually declare war on Ukraine, giving him the ability
to call on vast reserves of men. And while the west is more or less uniformly
anti-Putin and by extension anti-Russian, at least anti-Russian invasion, Russians
evidently feel differently: according to some polls, as many as 73% of Russians
support what Putin is doing in the south and east of Ukraine.
Here in Kyiv, the mood is a bit bleak today: more servicemen
armed with rifles are walking around, the curfew is earlier, the tension
higher. Later today Putin will speak, and what he says likely is going to map
out the conduct of the war for the immediate future.
Cracks in his armor have been showing almost since the first
week of the war. Ukrainian forces have made some incursions into Russia, and
while the 17,000 foreign volunteers is likely a hyperbolic figure, they are in
abundance: a Cambodian guy wearing a Ukrainian army uniform walked by me and
saluted yesterday, every crease a razor blade.
There really isn't any Ukrainian resistance to the war, no
real peace movement; there is a win movement. Around the corner from the
apartment I treat myself to on occasion, and always bring some of the others
along (for the one thing that turns a simple flat in Kyiv into an antechamber
to heaven is the large and deep bathtub) is a sign with Putin wearing an SS
uniform. Sleeping and traipsing about in the woods is not the same when you
aren't 20 anymore, and especially when you are twice that or more: ibuprofen
consumption has been high, and my back on occasion takes real issue with my idealism,
if you want to call it that, or maybe just with my decision. Mostly the ground
is actually good for the unrepaired herniated disc that I proudly bear, like so
many athletic people: a hard bed is better than a featherbed for it, but the
iron ground of Kyiv Oblast makes the day every week or ten days that liberty
comes, like Kuan Yin, the goddess of kindness, a real treat. It makes the small
things in life reassert their proper place.
The air raid system is amazingly efficient: no sooner do you
hear the sirens than your phone receives a text, based on location, in English,
Russian and Ukrainian. And as much as we would all like to hear that Putin has
backed off from his position, and as much, I suspect, as the uncalled-up
reservists are waiting to hear the same thing, it is unlikely, for the man is a
professional sabre-rattler. He is also pretty good at drawing his sabre, if not
terribly subtle: when he built up his forces along the border, and talking
heads all over the news and the internet were debating his seriousness, I
wasn't and in conversation with comrades here, they weren't either. People fail
to realize the financial aspect of the military, and just how much a full
mobilization costs. Since we discuss the A-10 on this website, let me draw an
analogy based on the A-10's hourly operating costs. A-10's are among the
cheaper warplanes to operate on an hourly basis; the best figure I have seen is
about $11,000 per hour. Many factors go
into the cost estimate: some are what economists call sunk costs, costs that
are expended and cannot be recovered – the cost of building the plane and
training the pilot, for instance. And, of course, hourly operating costs can
vary: bombs are expensive to make, and when you drop one, you could definitely
call it expended. So when a guy like Putin places units on alert all along your
border, you can count on him having a financial end game in mind: he is looking
for a win to offset the cost of mobilization, of maintaining troops in the
field, of equipping them, and the win comes in the form of land gains and all
that comes along with them: the factories, resources – it all goes into an
arcane and ever changing formula with different variables based on the culture
of the belligerents.
After all, while two Central American countries fought the
Soccer War, can you see the US going to war for basketball? But territorial
gain? We have a naval base in an enemy country, and have had it for over an
hundred years, serving an invaluable purpose: it allows us to shed American
values when they get in the way of the mission. Some would say this defeats the
point, but those people better hope there never comes a day when such speech
gets THEM thrown on Gitmo. But I digress. I worry and I digress.
Today the world watches to see what Putin will say. He
doesn't seem to be one for making threats he won't carry out: a declaration of
war would mean terrible things. Pundits around the world are debating how this
war will end. Putin could simply declare victory in the areas he has managed to
overcome, but one of the wonders of modern communication means that agitprop is
immediately subject to peer review so scathing that university professors would
quake at facing it. There are a whole class of people called by the writer the
“posting polity of the internet” (I refuse to anthropomorphize it, and say “the
internet says…”) who pick apart every word said by anyone of note – the
ultimate in opposition research, right there at everyman's fingertips. And this
polity seems to believe that when he speaks of oppression, Putin is a man of
his word. Concomitant with that is his increased rhetoric about NATO complicity
with Ukrainian command. Word leaks out on a daily basis about how Putin is
becoming increasingly agitated with the help being provided to Kyiv, as little
as it is, when seen on the greater scale. Threats of nuclear weapons usage,
threats of expanding the war into a pan-European campaign…all are real, and all
frighten the people of Europe, quite reasonably. Once again, we are protected
by thousands of miles of moat, and it gives us a distant perspective. Being
here changes all of that.
Normal life has a way of proceeding apace, although for less
time every day: there is a 2000 – 10 pm – curfew in effect, and making sure
that there is sufficient food in the place for all comers at all times is
necessary…and yet this pales in comparison to what one see at Lviv, at
Przymysl. The waiting rooms are confined to children and women, something that
might enrage the sensibilities of woke Americans, but only in those who haven't
felt the bite of reality a war provides. The ivory-tower sensibilities are
possible because a howitzer hasn't knocked it down.
I find myself looking for ways to bring home the reality of
the war to Americans. That is why next week we will be starting, technology
permitting, a daily interview feed. We want you to see the horrors of European
war, war not conducted in a jungle and against people Americans secretly have
the luxury of divorcing themselves from, if they would never admit it. We want
you to think about helping, for that is the purpose of this site. So for now,
perhaps you would do something we have asked before and write your elected
representative. Just yesterday, or perhaps that is when it was reported, President Biden indicated that money for Ukraine was “running out.” Once again, the tale
of the sunk cost: if we cannot do the thing that is simplest for us, and
essentially Zelle Mr. Zelenskyy money, we CAN send him the tools of the trade.
Talk of reactivating Lend-Lease, in WWII fashion, abounds. I believe that is
what we need to do.
That, and provide a place for those who have been reduced to
penury by the war. Temporary Protected Status and another quick route to
resettlement in the US have been enacted: put the facilitation of that, as
well, into the letter or email you send your representative.
Help us help them…before that vast moat shrinks, and we find
out precisely how many FSB men really live in Brighton Beach.
The writer is a former military man, now researching and writing about the Ukrainian Conflict. Questions can be sent directly to
Welcome to the discussion.