- Use links below for demo with enemy MiG and missile
- Have Tower Drone user click link first in computer, then A-10 user in VR, wait for timers to run, then have Air Defense user click link in VR
- Tower Drone opens from admin page after A-10 page loads
- Tower Drone: click OPEN for numbered support session if pop-up blocked
- Tower Drone: allow pop-ups, archive old sessions, uncheck Supporting now if still not working
- Tower Drone window must be open for MiG flight and missile attack to run
- Tower Drone: uncheck Flight login, close windows when done to log out
- A-10: use instructions above for flight and attack
- A-10: after takeoff, wait for F-16 flyover launching HARM missiles to take out enemy air defense
- Use Cluster Bomb to de-mine minefield on right end of green/wooded area
- A-10: activate Countermeasure when Missile Lock sounds, or earlier
- A-10: retreat to base after missile attack, lead MiG into Air Defense zone
- Air Defense: Enter VR, use right thumbstick left and right to rotate
- Air Defense: click Fire Missile when MiG begins attack run